Thursday, June 26, 2008


Yesterday was a good day :) My husband and Evan and Collins daddy returned home after a long 2 1/2 week training in Chicago. For all those single parents out there, I had a small taste of what it is like. It takes a strong person to handle your own life and manage a couple of kids and a job on your own. When ever I started to get a little down and complain about how hard it was I would use a few women I know who do it everyday and really make it look easy and i would use them as my inspiration and drive to keep going. I know I only had to endure for a couple of weeks and some people have to do it for longer and I am so blessed and grateful to have Matt in my life. He is a wonderful husband and an awesome kick butt DADDY! I am not sure if I am the only one that sometimes think that my husband really was not a huge help with kids etc. but after he was gone for a while I realized how much he actually does.... for example
* Put kids in Jammies
* Reads kids stories before bed
* Brushes kids teeth
* Changes stinky diapers (without complaint) I hate to do this task!!!!
* Rough Houses with the kids
* Teaches them how to catch
* Teaches them how to ride bikes
* Plays video games with Evan
* Works on the yard
* Works hard to support our family
* Makes sure that me and him have special time together
* Teaches them the importance of church
* Does all that I ask of him (unload dishwasher, put clothes in dryer etc.)
*Oh yeah and somehow after all that finds time to rock it on his ski's and climb big mountains.

I don't think I tell him or show him enough actually how much I appreciate him and all he does for our family and for me. I love every minute I get to be with him and enjoy watching him love on our kids and our family. I am so proud of him and who he has become.

I love you Matt


Janie said...

What a great tribute to Matt! I was thinking about you a lot and wondering how you were holding up. Isn't it awesome how much our husbands really do to help us with the kids? We are so lucky!!!!

Jess said...

Awww. That's sweet Kristi :)

Sara said...

Yay! I am so glad you started a blog so we can keep up to date on what you guys are doing. Congrats on the triathlon. I could never do that!

kennoncrew said...

so cute! by the way matt, i was bragging to my brother about how you fly off the platforms at the pool too--kristy add it to your list of reasons your hubby is cool (along with the fact that you being his wife makes him 10x cooler)

rosanne said...

Its nice to be missed every once in a long while...makes us realize what we do have and how lucky we are!