Monday, June 23, 2008


I just finished my 2nd Triathlon (yes 2nd). I competed in the Utah Summer Games with sister and brother-in-law Heidi and Will. They took place at Sand Hollow Resevoir in St. George. It was really fun ( I Know I must be crazy) but it feels good to accomplish something that you did not think was ever possible. My mom and dad and kids came and supported me at the race. It is great to have family cheer you on at each transition, I could not have done it without them. Evan ran with me the last little bit and crossed the finish line with me. That made it all worth it! I think I might just take it easy now but I know the pressure is on with my wonderful neighborhood women who push me to try harder and just keep going.


Suzanne said...

I think it is way awesome you did those triathlons! Don't take it easy yet, we've got the jordanelle tri in August and if you really want to, I'll do the Echo Tri with you in less than two weeks :)
I haven't figured out why we voluntarily do these things to ourselves... :)

Jess said...

Good work Kristi! Sounds like a great race and trip. That's so cute that Evan ran the last part of the race with you :)

Janie said...

Nice! You guys look great. Way to go on finishing your second triathlon. I would be totally inspired to do it too if I didn't think I would drown during the swimming portion. :)