Friday, February 6, 2009


After enrolling my son in a ski school class (since teaching him ourselves seemed impossible) and watching him learn to love skiing, I decided to become a ski instructor myself. I went through the necessary training and paid my dues and Brighton Ski Resort hired me. I was so excited to teach and also improve my own skiing in the process. Season one was a complete success, no injuries, had fun teaching, improved my own skills, increased my drive to learn and teach and become the best I could. Naturally I was looking forward to Season two. I got the call that I was on for another year and was geared up to teach again. Winter hit Utah early and we were off. My kids (6 and 3yrs) were excited about getting their first season passes my husband was enjoying the perks of me working at the resort and I was excited to teach again. My schedule was one day a week (Sunday afternoons) perfect. Plenty of time for me to ski for fun and get the kids up. January 18th changed a lot for me. I was teaching a lesson with 2 kids who were having a ball, finally getting it, learning turns and smiles all the way when out of no where my world came to a stop. I was taken out at the base of the hill (next to the slow sign) by an out of control snowboarder. I was completely knocked out and when I came to it was like a dream. My head was spinning and my face was bleeding and my left shoulder hurt. I saw the look on my kids’ faces and hoped that this would not scar them for life and I hoped that they would return to the hill. Patrol got to me pretty quick and asked me what happened and who did this and to my surprise the person who hit me was no where to be found. A Hit and run on the hill! What, people actually do that! I was taken to the hospital with a concussion (even with a helmet) and a broken collar bone and a busted up face. I had one thought - Karma! Will it come around for that guy…… who knows? I am not one to wish bad for someone but COME ON at least have his board stolen or broken and his pass yanked! I can’t ski now for two months so he should not be able to ride that long either. That kid needs to learn his lesson. As an instructor we are taught to teach about Safety, Fun, Learning. That kid needs that lesson.


Wendy Bird said...

Your poor little face:( It was so so sad. Sure glad you are ok:) Stupid hit and run snowboarder person! I;ll catch him....just you wait!!!No one messes with my BFF and gets away with it!!!!

Jess said...

Such a drag, Kristi! Seriously, though, call me for some snowshoeing when you have a free saturday :)

Sara said...

I can't believe that jerk! I hope you are feeling better soon. Will you be able to do some spring skiing?

Wendy said...

I am sending out a curse to that knuckle dragging punk .........
grapefruit-sized testicles, grape-
fruit -sized testicles, grapefruit sized testicles. It is done!